Ortega Elementary School PTO
1283 Terra Nova Blvd. Pacifica, CA 94044
Office 650-738-6670
Auction Donation Information
Mark your calendar and plan to attend Ortega’s Annual Auction & Raffle to be held at Ortega Elementary during the Open House on Thursday, May 2, 2024!! This year, our auction goal is to raise $30,000. This money will be used to rebuild our garden; fund garden science, art instruction, the library, and physical education. Reaching our goal depends on the generosity of the friends, families, businesses, and community members of Ortega Elementary.
Please consider making a donation to this year's auction! To make a donation, please complete the online form here: ortegapto.org/submitonline. Alternatively, you can print out the form below and submit it to the front office. This has all of Ortega PTO’s information you’ll need for tax records and also helps our volunteers stay organized.
Our donation deadline this year is Monday, April 1st to allow volunteers sufficient time to have everything ready for auction night. Donors will be prominently acknowledged in the auction catalog to be distributed to all Ortega Families and on our website. This year, we have four levels of donors based on the dollar value of contributions.
Platinum donor ($1,000 +)
Gold donor ($300 - $999)
Silver donor ($100 - $299)
Bronze donors ($1 - $99)
Any amount is greatly appreciated, it all adds up! Thank you in advance for your support in making this year's auction a great success and for supporting our school! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us directly.