Ortega Elementary School PTO
1283 Terra Nova Blvd. Pacifica, CA 94044
Office 650-738-6670
Policies and Procedures
Reserved Parking Spot
Please respect the Reserved Parking spot in the front of our school.
This spot belongs to the Auction Winner ONLY and, as the posted signage states, is unavailable to the rest of the Ortega Community Monday-Friday 8am-4pm. Please do not use this parking spot for "quick" drop-offs and pick-ups for school and/or TTT daycare.
Spirit Wear
Wear your Spirit Wear every Friday and show your Otter Pride, which may be purchased from the front office. You can also order your Spirit Wear online and your order will be delivered to your child's back back at school. Checks/cash should be made out to Ortega PTO and turned into the office.
Visitors at School
Per state law, all Ortega visitors must check in at the school office and obtain a Visitor’s Button.
Drop-Off/ Pick up Procedure
Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:15am.
Pull as far forward as possible BEFORE unloading your passengers.
Drivers STAY in your car. Getting out of the car stops the flow of traffic.
Drop off on curbside only. Inside lane is for through traffic.
Once student is dropped off/picked up, drivers are asked to move on immediately to keep traffic flowing.​​
Once students are dropped off, they should not leave campus until dismissal, unless signed out by a parent.
Please remember that TTT and the Boy’s and Girl’s club offer before/after school childcare in the portables on our campus (TTT) or just a mile away (B&G Club has a van to transport kids).
We know parents work and may need to drop-off students earlier than 8:15 or pick them up later than dismissal, but for your child’s safety we ask you to register them with TTT or B&G club.
All pedestrians should cross the street within the crosswalks only.
Please be courteous to other drivers and vigilant in watching out for the safety of our students
Do not double park and leave your car unattended.
NO LEFT TURN 8 am-8:45 am (Right turn only. It is a traffic violation to turn left during the posted time)
Parking Lot
If you need to enter the school, park in a designated parking space.
Unless you are in a designated parking space, please do not leave your car unattended.
Staff spots are for staff only.
Drop off on curbside only. Inside lane is for through traffic.
Do not double park and leave your car unattended.
NO LEFT TURN 8 am-8:45 am (Right turn only. It is a traffic violation to turn left during the posted time)
School Hours
Students may be dropped off no earlier than 8:15, since we do not have supervision available until that time.
Once a student is dropped off, they should not leave campus until dismissal, unless they are signed out in the office by a parent.
Please remember that TTT and the Boy’s and Girl’s club offer before/after school childcare in the portables on our campus (TTT) or just a mile away (B&G Club who has a van to transport kids).
We know parents work and may need to drop-off students earlier than 8:15 or pick them up later than dismissal, but for your child’s safety we ask you to register them with TTT or B&G club.
Facebook Guidelines for Ortega PTO Page
The purpose of the PTO Facebook is to promote a sense of community through notifications of Ortega activities, fundraisers, events as well as a parent forum that promotes support and understanding of Ortega school.
All Postings are monitored by our Facebook Administrators.
Do post forums about Ortega fundraisers, activities or events.
Any current parent/guardian may join the group. Must be 18 years or older. No children please.
Do not post advertisements. This includes coupons or ads from another website such as groupon, etc. . . . Advertisements are approved by the Executive PTO members.
Official PSD or Ortega School information must be approved by Principal and posted by the Administrators.
Be kind and courteous in your posts.
This page is not appropriate for complaints or serious school matters. Please refer these matters to your child’s teacher and/or Principal.
Any posts not following these guidelines will be deleted.
If you have any questions please contact the Facebook Administrators: Tenishia tenkav@comcast.net or Denise deniselouise@gmail.com
Thank you for consideration and support!
Ortega PTO Facebook Administrators
Volunteer Policy
The Pacifica School District and Ortega Elementary ask that you review the district guidelines for volunteering. Also review the volunteer roles in the link below to see what roles may match your skills or interests. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer form and submit the completed document along with your interest to the school office.