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Ortega PTO Constitution and Bylaws








The families of students enrolled in Ortega Elementary School and members of the Ortega Elementary School faculty and staff, in order to form an effective organization to promote cooperative community of families, faculty and staff, and to organize and operate programs at Ortega School, hereby adopt this Constitution and the By-Laws contained herein.


Article I


The organization shall be known as the Ortega Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, the Ortega PTO.


Article II


The mission of this organization is to create an active, cohesive community of families, faculty and staff at Ortega Elementary School. This community will work to achieve the visions and goals developed for Ortega Elementary School with the support of the enrichment and recognition programs.


Article III


This organization shall be a non-profit and follow the legal parameters of a non-profit organization in the State of California.


Article IV


All families of students enrolled in Ortega Elementary School, the faculty and staff of the school are members of the Ortega Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization. *The definition of “families” is parents and legal guardians*

Article V


The Executive Board shall consist of:

Sec. 1.  Elected Officers:

a. One President
b. Up to Two Vice President(s)
c. Up to Two Secretary(ies)
d. Up to Two Treasurer(s)
e. One Parent Council Representative
f.  Two Volunteer Coordinator(s)
g. Two Activities Coordinator(s)
h. Three Fund Raising Coordinator(s)
i. One Kindergarten-2nd Grade Parent Representative

j. One 3rd Grade-5th Grade Parent Representative


Sec. 2. Nominee(s) shall be elected by a single majority of votes cast. The nominee(s) with the most votes cast shall win that position. The elected member for the office of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall have the option whether to share the position with the nominee who received the next highest amount of votes cast.

Sec. 3. Elected officers shall each have one vote. Advisors to the Executive Board shall consist of:

1. The Ortega Elementary School Principal
2. Up to Two Teacher Representative(s)


Article I



Sec. 1. All meetings of the Organization shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised 10th Edition.

Sec. 2. The number of board members to reach a quorum will be determined each year based on the number of board members for the current year. A passing/approved vote will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote from the total number of board members for the current year.


Article II



Sec. 1. All fundraising and dispersal shall be under the direction of a single account and shall be termed the General Fund, with each activity being placed in sub-accounts for reviewing procedures.

Sec. 2. The PTO Executive Board is empowered to approve expenditures, which will be reported to the parents during the scheduled General Meetings.

Sec. 3. All fund deposits and dispersals shall be handled but the Treasurer(s) as approved by the PTO board.

Sec.4. Members of the Executive Board shall not be held personally liable for any debts incurred by the organization.

Sec. 5. Tax-Exempt Status Policies


a. The policies in this section have been established to maintain a tax-exempt status as defined in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue  Code.

b. The organization shall be established and operated for the charitable and educational purposes.

c. No part of the net earnings of the Organization shall insure to the benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or any other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose article hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the Organization shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including publishing or distributing statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the Organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization except from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

d. Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

e. The fiscal year of the organization shall begin July 1st and end June 30th.



1. Two authorized signatures on a check are required to release funds.

2. Any two of the following board positions may co-sign to release funds:

a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Fundraising Coordinator
d. Vice President
e. Authorized signers shall not be related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household.

Article III





a. Officers shall be nominated in the month of April and elected in May.
b. Any member shall be eligible for elected office.
c. Each nominated person shall run as an individual, he/she may run for more than one seat but only hold one position if elected.
d. Nomination forms for open executive board positions for the following year shall be distributed in the month of April.
e. Interested PTO members shall fill out the nomination form and return it to the board by the published due date.
f. PTO members may nominate themselves or other interested members with their permission.


a. All members of the Ortega PTO are eligible to vote.
b. Election ballots shall be distributed in the month of May.
c. PTO members shall fill out the election ballot and return it to the election committee by the published due date.
d. The Nominee(s) shall be elected by a single majority of votes cast. If more than one seat is open, majority of votes cast applies until all seats are filled. *See ARTICLE V, Section 2 for Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer Job sharing options.




a. The term of office shall be one year starting the day after the last day of school in June following the election and continuing until the day after the last day of school next June.

b. Upon the expiration of the term of office (June) or in case of resignation or termination each officer shall turn over to the President, without delay, all records, books and other material.




Sec. 1. The President or co-President(s) shall:


a. Preside over all executive board and general meetings.
b. Lead the board in developing annual fundraising goals.
c. Act as the official representative for the Ortega Elementary School Organization.
d. Supervise work of officers and standing committees.
e. Act as a liaison between the parent body and school administration.
f. Conduct business of the Parent Teacher Organization as authorized by the executive board.
g. May co-sign all checks.
h. Give each member of the Executive Board a copy of these bylaws at the first (1st) Regular meeting. The president shall review the bylaws with the executive board members and sign the bylaws.
i. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.


Sec. 2A. The Recording Secretary shall:

        a. Keep an accurate account of the proceedings of all PTO meetings.

        b. Post and be prepared to read, if requested, the Minutes of any previous General meetings, in a timely manner of 1 week.

        c. Keep a folder of all pertinent correspondence and copies of outgoing letters for future reference.

        d. Provide minutes of previous meetings to Executive Board Members in advance of the next scheduled meeting.

        e.  Prepare the agenda for Regular, Special and General Meetings. 

        f. Attend monthly Executive Board Meetings. 


       2B. The Communications Secretary shall:

        a. Handle all correspondence and delegate as appropriate.

        b. Develop and/or coordinate the creating, editing, and distributing of communications from the PTO Board and committees. 

        c.Update the Ortega PTO blog as necessary with information regarding Ortega events, the Pacifica School District, the community, etc. 

        d. Draft, edit and send, or coordinate the drafting, editing and sending of, the Ortega Otter Town News on a weekly basis during the school year and as needed during breaks. 

        e.  Draft, edit and send, or coordinate the drafting, editing and sending of, the Welcome Back to Ortega Packet in the beginning of the school year. 

        f. Manage the email listserv for Otter Town News.

        g. Serve as Admin for Ortega PTO Facebook accounts and Ortega Elementary School Private Groups.


Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall:


a. Receive all monies for the organization and deposit them in the name of the organization in a bank account approved by the Executive Board.
b. Present a statement of account at every Meeting of the organization and at other times, when requested by the Executive Board, and shall make a full annual report to the organization.
c. Keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the organization. Such books of account and records shall, at reasonable times, be open to inspection to any member, with another Executive Board member present.
d. Facilitate a tentative budget meeting before the start of the school year with the members of the Executive Board.
e. Prepare annual report at the end of school year.
f. Request ratification of all necessary expenditures at every meeting.
g. May co-sign all checks.
h. Keep administration appraised of concerns (e.g. checks returned ,unpaid credit card charges, shortage of funds,etc)
i. Reconcile any bounced checks and unpaid credit card charges that may arise.
j. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.


Sec. 4. The Volunteer Coordinator shall:


a. Oversee, manage and help recruit volunteers for all fundraisers and events in collaboration with Chairpersons.
b. Distribute and tabulate volunteer sign-up forms in September.
c. Coordinate with the Board, committee chairs for all activities and events.
d. Help each Chair coordinate orientation and/or trainings.
e. Keep administration appraised of concerns.
f. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.

Sec. 5. The Parent Council Representative shall:


a. Attend and report on monthly parent council meetings.
b. Act as liaison between the Ortega Elementary School community and the Parent Council.
c. Handle all the responsibilities and duties associated with the Elna Flynn Award.
d. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.


Sec. 6. The Activities Coordinator shall:


a. Coordinate celebrations, recognition, and school wide activities.
b. Help each Chair coordinate orientations and/or trainings.
c. Keep administration appraised of concerns.
d. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.


Sec. 7. The Fundraising Coordinator shall:


a. Facilitate planning and implementation of fundraisers throughout the school year.
b. Communicate any fundraising issues to the board.
c. Keep the administration appraised of concerns.
d. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.


Sec. 8. The K-2nd Grade Parent Representative shall:

a. Serve as voting members on the PTO Executive Board, representing specific grade levels and classes.
b. Work as a link to the PTO and Room Parents.
c. Organize 1-2 meetings per year with the Room Parents.
d. Maintain regular contact with Room Parents that you represent to keep them informed of Executive Board actions and to keep yourself informed of issues of the school.
e. Help coordinate/organize the paperwork for parent driven field trips.

f. Provide information to parents about grade-level activities and distribute notices as needed.
g. Keep administration informed of concerns.
h. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.


Sec. 9 The 3rd Grade-5th Grade Parent Representative shall:


a. Serve as voting members on the PTO Executive Board, representing specific grade levels and classes.
b. Work as a link to the PTO and Room Parents.
c. Organize 1-2 meetings per year with the Room Parents.
d. Maintain regular contact with Room Parents that you represent to keep them informed of Executive Board actions and to keep yourself informed of issues of the school.
e. Help coordinate/organize the paperwork for parent driven field trips.
f. Provide information to parents about grade-level activities and distribute notices as needed.
g. Keep administration informed of concerns.
h. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings.




Sec. 10 The Tech Coordinator shall:

        a. Update content and layout of website as needed

                   - Annual board member updates

                   - Monthly financial reports

                    - Monthly approved meeting minutes

                    - Fundraising progress

                    - After-school activities

         b. Facilitate annual transfer of accounts to new board members

         c. Update Domain Name System (DNS) entries as needed

         d. Ensure technical resources are renewed and functional

        e. Manage Google Drive structure/permissions

         f. Create/configure Google Workspace accounts as needed

         g. Attend monthly Executive Board meetings




Sec. 1.

a. In the event of a vacancy, an appointment to fill the remainder of the term shall be made by majority vote of the remaining members of the PTO Board.

b. An Officer may be removed from office for only good cause by vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present at a regularly scheduled PTO Board Meeting or if they attend less than one-half of the scheduled board meetings per semester. The first semester is June through December and the second semester is January through June.



Sec. 1. The Executive board shall:


a. Meet once a month. Only Executive Board members may vote on motions during Executive Board meetings. Any member is welcome to attend Executive Board meetings and provide input to the Executive Board.

b. Meet in special session when called by the President or by a simple majority of the Executive Board.

c. Conduct the business of the organization as directed by the membership.

d. Ratify all expenditures necessary for the normal operation of the organization.

e. Use a phone or email vote to expedite business in between meetings not to exceed $1,000.00. An effort should be made to contact all Board members. Majority needed for approval.

f. Email communication- Shall be used to expedite business, relay information or be used for announcements. Discussions shall be limited to regular, general or special meetings.


Sec. 2. The Special and Standing Committees shall:


a. Be created by the President of the Membership with the Executive Board approval as deemed necessary to conduct the activity of the organization such as the election committee.

b. Be disbanded when their purpose is accomplished.




Sec 1. There shall be a minimum of two General Meetings of the organization during each school year. All General meetings, when not announced at a prior meeting, shall be called with at least one-week notice sent home through the School Newsletter.

Sec 2. The years proposed programs and budget shall be presented to the members at the first (1st) General meeting of the year.



The name of this organization and its membership lists shall be restricted to the use of the official business of the organization except as authorized by the membership.




Sec. 1. The property of this organization is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer, or member thereof or to the benefit of any private persons.

Sec. 2. Upon the dissolution or winding up of the organization, its assets remaining after payment or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this organization shall be operated exclusively for charitable purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.




This organization shall only undertake activities mentioned in the mission statement, goals, or objectives of these bylaws.




The Constitution and By-Laws of the Parent Teacher Organization shall be amended by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board members. Amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws shall be proposed and discussed in one meeting, and may then be voted on in a subsequent meeting. Amendments shall not be proposed, discussed, and approved in single meeting.


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